leadership It is important as a manager to know how to treat your best employees if you want them to stay and work for you. Having strong leadership skills can help you be a more effective employer/manager. Talented employees have a wealth of choices when it comes to employers.

It’s amazing how excellent employees walk out of their workplaces. Frequently one will hear the managers or directors whining about them leaving. Managers often will have something to gripe about. They blame their turnover issues for everything, forgetting that individuals don’t leave their employment, but they leave because of the administrators.

It is very important for administrators to comprehend and develop their leadership skills in order to avoid sending the best employees packing.

The nine most important things the administrators should avoid to keep the best employees are:

1. They Lack Concern For Their Employee

Most employees leave their employment because of their association with their managers. The figure can be greater than 50%. Organizations who offer leadership training to insure their managers relate well to their employees will save a great deal of lost time and money from losing valuable employees. It is a delicate balance for a manager who needs to celebrate an employee’s success and yet have to challenge them when a difficult situation arises. When a manager is not involved in an employee’s well being, or doesn’t really care about their staff, they will wonder why their turnover rates are so high. Hard pressing management whose focus is on ROI for the business, with little regard for the employees return on their happiness will yield dissatisfaction over time from the hard working employee.

2. They Don’t Acknowledge Good Efforts and Reward A Job Well Done.

Did you know that most employees and especially the top performers are motivated by just being recognized with a pat on the back or an acknowledgement of the job they did well? The secret is knowing your employees well enough to know what make them feel good. For some, a simple “Thank You For A Job Well Done” behind closed doors will work. For others, they may want to acknowledged publically- while other are happy with a raise.

3. Employees are Overworked

As a manager it is tempting to give your best employees the hardest jobs that requires so much of them. Suddenly the employee feel they are being punished for their good performance. A study from Stanford University shows that productivity per hour declines sharply when the workweek exceeds 50 hours. If an individual exceeds 55 hours, they don’t get satisfaction out of working any more.

Skilled employees will appreciate a change in their job status, advances, title changes and will take on a greater workload, but if the employee feels that they are being overworked then they will look for another occupation that gives them what they merit.

4. They Don’t Honor Their Promise

A win or lose situation presents itself every time an employer makes a promise. If the promise is kept, your employees will realize you are a person of your word and can be trusted. Failing to live up to a promise or commitment can ruin how an employee comes to view you and the organization. Employees will always want you to set a good example, because if the boss doesn’t, how will other people?

5. They Promote or Employ the Wrong People

Hard working employees want to surround themselves with people they can relate to on a professional skill level. When a management lacks the leadership skills to hire the correct talent for a position, it can be at the detriment of the company. Nobody wants to work alongside someone they deem as incompetent.

Getting passed over for a promotion is another area that is hurtful to the company, and to the hard working employee who went above and beyond in hopes of getting the promotion. Both these scenarios will make good people want to leave.

6. They Fail to Challenge Employees Intellectually

Intelligent and talented employees are motivated by a strong challenge to accomplish the seemingly impossible. Good managers will challenge their employees to fulfill something that appears to be unimaginable at first, and they will do their best to offer them some assistance in succeeding. It is important for the managers who want to keep their employees to set goals and challenges that are not too simple and boring.

7. They Fail to Educate and Develop People’s Skills

Companies that value improvement from top to bottom will reap the rewards. When you have a gifted worker, it’s dependent upon you to continue discovering zones in which they can enhance to grow their expertise set. The most capable representatives need input – more so than the less gifted ones- – and you must keep it coming. In the event that you don’t, your best individuals will become exhausted and smug. Therefore great managers, regardless of how capable the worker is should focus, listen and give input.

8. They Fail to Engage Their inspiration.

The most capable workers look to enhance all that they touch. In the event that you take away their capacity to change and enhance things since you’re just OK with business as usual, this makes them abhor their employments. Caging up this natural desire to create not only limits them, it also limits you.

9. They Don’t Let People Pursue Their Passions

Research has shown that individuals who have followed their passion, experience flow, a euphoric perspective (state of mind) that is five times more productive than the standard at their work place. Some managers will put their workforce in the proverbial box in hopes of expanding productivity. This is never the case. Productivity will drop if don’t let their employees pursue their passions.

In summary, companies that look for everyone from top to bottom to be the best they can be, will provide products and services that pave the way for company success.